Scrimshaw and Its 'Predecessors'

Ghosts in Ancient Buddhist Asia

Ancient Ghosts of Aboriginal Australia
Short piece about the importance of ghosts in a generalized Aboriginal Australian cultural context.

The Bust of the Beautiful Woman

All the Chimaera

“The Rosetta Stone”: Can Material Culture be Read?

Scandinavian *itchy Women
The medieval prejudice against women in Scandinavia. Not just ridicule from cruel and dangerous rumors, but torture and murders from the real witch hunts.

Follow the Flying Dutchman

Tomb Tour: Journey into the Afterlife
[T]he glyphs are read from right to left, in the direction that the glyphs are facing, almost as if you were having a conversation. The first line and a half reads, “All hail the sun god Re, who rises in the sky’s eastern horizon. Behold! Behold! Khnumhotep!”