Discussions of the Open Lattice

Who’s Throwing Rabbits at the Moon?
A Deeper Look into the Rabbit on the Mayan Moon Myth
This article provides an in-depth exploration of the rabbit on the moon myth from Mesoamerica, exploring its history, symbolism, and potential implications.

The Ballgame

The Metaphor of "Our Lord the Flayed One"

Death of Coyolxāuhqui
The mixed-up and conflicting stories about a Nahua (Aztec) goddess of the moon, Coyolxauhqui. Explore the symbols used in the monolith and the resonance with the enduring cultural reasoning of a nickname for her.

The Resurrection of Pakal
How would you want to be remembered? One of Palenque’s great kings chose to be immortalized as a young god being reborn into the afterlife. What does it all mean? Let’s examine the history behind Pakal’s coffin lid.